Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Walton offers 8 years replacement guarantee for fridge compressor

The country’s consumer based electronics giant Walton has extended the replacement guarantee for the compressors used in its produced refrigerators and fridges up to 8 years from the previous 5 years. 
The relentless research and development efforts of the Walton’s R&D department are resulted in improving the quality of its compressors, and thus paved the way for Walton to extend the consumers’ facility through augmenting the guarantee period of compressors by 3 years.
It was learnt that compressor is the heart of a fridge. Generally, the users get the satisfactory services from a fridge if its compressor works properly. Sometimes, some unscrupulous traders use low-grade compressors in their fridges to earn extra profits. Then, the customers feel embarrassment while their fridges made with such compressors do not work properly.
Walton engineers claimed that world-class compressors are used in their produced fridges. Thus, they received a little bit compliant from the customers. Usually, the customers are satisfied using Walton brand’s fridges.
Golam Murshed, deputy director of Walton Group, said the Walton compressors will provide services more than the guarantee period. 
“Customers can use Walton brand’s refrigerators and fridges for 20 to 30 years if they follow the user guidelines properly,” he added.
The compressors will provide long time service when its system function and accuracy will be ensured, Murshed said.
Walton has brought more perfection in the cooling and accuracy system in its compressors, he added.
Engineer Md Moeenul Hoque, head of research and development dept of Walton, said the compressors used in Walton brand refrigerators and fridges are being produced in the combination of the world’s latest technology and high quality raw materials.
A group of very meritorious, experienced and hard-working engineers has been conducting massive research and development works for long times to improve the quality and life time of the compressors considering the country’s weather and the mode of use of fridges by the local people, he said.
Consequently, they have been able to give the assurance of durability of compressors used in Walton brand’s refrigerators and fridges, Hoque added.
It was learnt that Walton has taken initiative manufacturing highest standard compressors in the Asian region by adopting the world’s latest technology. Then, the guarantee period of the produced compressors would be extended further.
Engineer Shahriar Reza, assistant director of Walton Service Management System, said customer will get long time service from compressors without facing problems if they carry or transport fridges carefully.

During transportation or placement, the fridges should not be careened more than 30-degree angles. In Addition, customers should start fridge minimum two (2) hours later after the transportation. (Source: Press release)

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